Partner News

New P2P Solutions for Order and Security from Start to Finish

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In the purchase-to-pay process, problems frequently arise with divergent prices and quantities as well as uncertainties regarding delivery, service and payment terms. The unique situation related to the coronavirus has further aggravated this situation in 2020. The new P2P solutions reduce the manual workload when processing order confirmations and delivery bills. The result: a better overview in the process chain for two of the most important document types in any P2P process.

As an example: A company orders ten notebooks for EUR 1,000 each – but two weeks later eight notebooks for EUR 1,200 each end up in the incoming goods department. To verify, discover and react to such an error in the appropriate way takes time. If this time – as is too often the case – is not available, companies exceed discount and payment deadlines. Such problems can now be avoided by using the appropriate software.

EASY Order Confirmation and Delivery Notes for SAP® Solutions help to automatically monitor prices, quantities and terms of delivery in the P2P process. If discrepancies occur, optimized workflows help to identify them quickly and to resolve them efficiently by assigning them to the right person. Both solutions are based on the established, SAP®-certified EASY Process2Design – a platform that serves as a basis for almost every EASY for SAP® product. They are therefore fully compatible with any SAP® ERP or S/4HANA. Seamless integration reduces training effort at the customer’s site; users operate the new EASY solution via the familiar SAP® interface. Even configurations such as authorizations, workflows and more can be easily customized in this way.

EASY Order Confirmation and Delivery Notes for SAP® Solutions are the perfect complement to EASY Invoice Management for SAP® Solutions. Invoices that customers process in this way will be of even higher quality thanks to the two new solutions, as they can identify and solve potential problems in advance. Optionally, EASY Order Confirmation and Delivery Notes for SAP® Solutions also support secure storage of all documents in the revision-proof archive.

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EASY Software (UK) Ltd

Posted by: EASY Software (UK) Ltd

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