
The Business Function Prediction Service for SAP ERP

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As many SAP customers on old releases of SAP R/3(4.6C, 4.7 and ERP 2004) prepare for life after the end of Extended Maintenance in March 2013 and also as they plan for the future with the SAP Enhancement Packages, many SAP customers are turning to the NEW and FREE SAP Business Function Prediction Service for SAP ERP(BFP). Enhancement packages are optional packages that enable companies to easily take advantage of SAP’s ongoing innovations. Customers can deploy these new  enhancements in a modular fashion by activating only the new features and technical improvements they want to add the most value to their business. Planning and securing the future of their SAP investment is a vital issue for many SAP customers and as a result the SAP Global Upgrade Office has built a service which saves a lot of time that is often spent consumed researching new areas of SAP ERP functionality and so in one single report delivers a complete picture of what the future might look like with the deployment of these Enhancement Packages.


Now SAP offer a new and free approach in order to simplify the discovery of new functionality called the SAP Business Function Prediction Service for SAP ERP. This free service provides a tailored recommendation of which business functions delivered by the SAP enhancement packages are relevant for customers’ business need. The service consists of the following features:

  • A tailored list of new ECC business functions which enhance transactions your end users are intensively using today.
  • The relevance of each ECC business function for your business and how often it is used by other customers.
  • Direct access to all relevant information for each predicted business function, including
  • Overview presentation
  • Release notes and documentation
  • Test-case catalogues
  • Mapping to technical usages
  • Information about enhancement packages 1 to 5

Registration for this new FREE service can be done via the SAP Service Marketplace @ , whereby customers can also download a sample report to view and also understand how SAP compiles this report that many SAP customers are now seeing as vital for their discovery towards new SAP ERP functionality.


For further information on this service and on any topics relating to SAP Upgrades and Innovations for the future,  please contact Mike Longden, who works in the SAP Global Upgrade Office via email @


To view a powerpoint of this, please follow this link.

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