
Community: Harnessing the power of unity, belonging and collective wisdom.

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A picture may say a thousand words, but it doesn't always tell the full story.

UK & Ireland SAP User Group Winner of the 2023 Conference and Events Award for Best UK Conference over 1,000 attendees: UKISUG Connect.

I am incredibly proud of everyone in the UKISUG community for their unwavering dedication and collective efforts that have led to our tremendous success in winning the prestigious award for Best UK Conference. It is an achievement that fills me with immense joy and gratitude.

Seeing our community come together, with the Teesside team, Board members, SIG leads, volunteers, partners, and SAP themselves, working hand in hand, has been truly inspiring. We have shown the power of unity and collaboration, with each individual bringing their unique skills, expertise, and passion to the table.

Our shared vision of driving success for the SAP community has been the driving force behind our achievements. It is through our collective wisdom, innovative ideas, and people-centric approach that we have been able to create an exceptional conference experience for over 1,000 attendees.

I am proud of the countless hours of hard work, planning, and coordination that went into making UKISUG Connect a resounding success. The tireless efforts of our volunteers, who selflessly dedicated their time and energy, deserve special recognition. Their contributions, whether big or small, played a significant role in creating a vibrant and enriching conference atmosphere.

Our partners, including SAP themselves, have been invaluable in supporting us throughout this journey. Their commitment and belief in our community has been instrumental in our achievements. Their collaboration and sponsorship has allowed us to deliver an outstanding conference that adds value to the SAP ecosystem.

This award is not just a testament to our success as a community but a testament to the passion, determination, and relentless pursuit of excellence that resides within each and every member of the UKISUG community. It serves as a milestone, a reminder of what we can achieve when we come together, united in purpose and driven by a shared goal.

As I reflect on this achievement, I am overwhelmed with pride for being part of such an exceptional community. Our success is a result of the collective strength, innovation, and the genuine care we have for one another. Let us celebrate this momentous occasion and allow it to inspire us to reach even greater heights, to continue pushing boundaries, and making a lasting impact within the SAP community.

Congratulations to everyone involved, and here's to the bright future we will continue to shape together!

Craig Dale

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