
End of life of SAPNet R3 Frontend

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Dear Members
We would like to inform you about the end of life of SAPNet R/3 Frontend (formerly known as ‘ OSS ’). This week we got the attached long-needed official information from SAP AG about the complete OSS-shutdown and the three-step-approach SAP planned for the transition to either the SAP Support Portal in SAP’s Service Marketplace (SMP) or SAP’s Solution Manager (SSM). As you might have experienced, the first front-end functions are already stopped as an on-line SAP GUI function since August this year.
If you have already been informed through your SAP support organization, please understand this letter as a reminder. Otherwise you should analyse possible impacts to your support organization/processes and be prepared for the sunset of OSS by April 03, 2006. Be aware, from April on your familiar SAPNet R/3-Frontend won’t be running any longer and you must either be familiar with the appropriate functionality in the Support Portal of the SAP Service Market Place (SMP) or setup a SAP Solution Manager for the communication with SAP and migrate data.
Currently there isn’t an exact match between Support Portal and OSS . Therefore, check in-depth if your required functionality is available. Furthermore, check if there’s any other interface to the OSS in your landscape, e.g. $$-messages (SAP-QM) and what will be the consequences.
Customers who use the Corporate Functionality of the OSS should take into account that there won’t be any equivalent for that functionality in the SMP. Therefore, if they like to conserve the functionality they must setup a SAP Solution Manager 3.2 or 4.0. Currently, the Corporate Functionality within the Solution Manager is a complete new function (available since September 2005) which should be tested in-depth, too.
If you’re already running a SAP Solution Manager for message processing presumably minor adjustments are necessary but they could be a major challenge in specific landscapes.
Basically our ICCC position is that we can understand SAP’s continuous improvement drive to replace components which will reach technological limits, but this should never lead to loss of functionality or to technical requirements which cannot be easily fulfilled by customers. So if you feel this would be the case with this SAP ‘ OSS sunset proposal’, please let us know.
If you have severe problems for whatever reasons please contact your local SAP support organization (copying your local user group) or if you need support from your local SAP user group, please let us know your concerns asap, so we can consolidate customer concerns and can work out solutions with SAP.
Best regards,
Frans e Roy van Zuijdewijn & Heinz Schroeder
CCC co-chairmen
For further information, plese clilck the links shown below:

 OSS Sunset Brochure      OSS Information   Additional SAP Information








































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