
Customers Improving SAP Software

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This must have happened to just about everyone at some time: You’re sitting in front of your computer using software for either private or business purposes and you wonder why precisely the functionality that you use regularly can only be reached with bizarre workarounds or why some button or other is hidden exactly where you don’t expect to find it. Or you’d like to see more features in some places so that complexity can be reduced elsewhere. “What could the software developer have been thinking? you often ask yourself, forgetting that different users have different focuses when working with the software.

Precisely to find this out – to hear from as many users and companies as possible about where there is room for improvement – SAP offers its customers the chance to give feedback directly to the development departments. It’s known as Customer Connection.

Developed according to customer needs

This program, which was devised in close cooperation with the German-speaking SAP user group DSAG and the SAP user groups involved with the SUGEN network, has already led to almost 400 product improvements that were triggered by customer requests and that are currently used by more than 6,500 customers worldwide. One example is the improved CAD integration in SAP PLM, which was the result of a suggestion from Carl Zeiss AG.

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