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SAP want to know more than if customers are simply satisfied. The continued aim is to build long-term relationships based on superb customer experiences, in order to build loyalty.
With the SAP Listens survey program, it is possible to gain improved insight into what customers and partners feel about SAP – for the overall relationship, as well as for key touch points. Through short surveys with targeted questions, customers can quickly provide valuable input. And with enhanced follow-up, both with individuals and groups of contacts, SAP are committed to understanding the root-causes of the issues, allowing challenges to be effectively addressed and changes made.
Program highlights:

  • A Survey which takes less than 5 minutes
  • An Opportunity to provide actionable feedback which helps SAP identify what matters most to customers
  • Alignment of SAP's actions with customer priorities
  • Stronger relationships which create more opportunities

The survey will be distributed to all nominated SAP Customer contacts between the 6th May until the 17th of June. Account representatives will be encouraging as much response as possible to understand your priorities and expectations to that SAP can address them, to assure success for your business.
Find out more about the role that Customer Success plays at SAP by reading the SAP Group and Market Environment section of the SAP Integrated Report 2013.
Questions or comments? Contact us at

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