
Updated SAP Release Strategy Brochure available

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The SAP Release Strategy brochure can be important for you, as it provides:

  • A complete overview of SAP’s large portfolio of innovative products and solutions and explains our overall product strategy across our technology platforms, applications, and business networks
  • Transparency into our release and maintenance strategy for cloud, on-premise, and hybrid deployments, as well as mobile apps
  • Information on availability and maintenance for our software product versions

The recently published 2015 edition covers many topics, e.g. how businesses can achieve simplification with SAP S/4HANA, how SAP’s product offerings support processes related to the Internet of Things already today, or how the Networked Economy is about to change the way businesses interact with software. It also covers the SAP HANA Cloud Platform, and details on software from our acquired companies hybris, Ariba, and Concur, and more.

You can directly access the updated release strategy information by following this link.

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