
We would like to inform you about a new functionality for SAP support users

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SAP just announced that from now on support users can connect directly with an SAP Support expert in real-time via a live chat feature. The Chat program is built right into the incident form for the users’ convenience. To get started, users simply begin the process of submitting an incident, and fill in the relevant information about the problem or question. Then, if a support engineer is available for the selected component, a green “Start Chat” button next to the “Submit” button in the incident screen will appear, and the user can directly discuss his incident with the expert.

Key features:

  • No duplication of effort. If the support engineer is not able to resolve your incident immediately, he or she will continue with the incident submission process
  • Continuous, accurate record keeping. Whether your issue is resolved immediately or not, your chat transcript will be recorded in your incident log for your convenient reference
  • Access to a real, live, trained SAP support expert. No answering machines or automated responders
  • Faster issue resolution. No need to worry about priority levels and incident queues

To learn more, please click here

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