
How the User Group is helping members navigate SAP licensing complexity

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The recent case between SAP UK and Diageo highlighted key issues for SAP users around who or what exactly is covered by SAP licensing. This is a complex area for many organisations to navigate, so here at the User Group we continue to work closely with SAP, at both a local and global level, to help address our members’ licensing concerns.

At last year’s UKISUG Connect conference, our chairman Philip Adams called for SAP to clearly define what indirect usage means. After all, the number of SAP systems that are indirectly connected to the outside world is only going to rise as more Internet of Things technologies are deployed.

As part of SUGEN (The SAP User Group Executive Network) licence charter team – where the User Group has two board members actively involved – we are committed to addressing the growing concern around indirect access. For users concerned about indirect licencing, we’d recommend taking the following steps:

  • When integrating SAP with other software packages or developments, hold a formal discussion and request written confirmation that this process will not involve any surplus costs linked to indirect usage.
  • Do not agree to any clause introducing the notion of indirect access for previously purchased licences, before asking SAP to make the impact of this change clear.
  • Ask for the price list for each order placed, and make sure any changes that have been made are understood.

To assist members, we worked with Ray Wang of Constellation Research a few years ago to create a licensing and negotiating best practice document. User Group members can access the report on our website.

We have also been running a number of events and webinars over the past 18-24 months to help members better understand the challenge and share best practice of SAP license management. The next event of this kind will take place in June, when we will host a licensing event that will offer advice on how to make sure SAP licences are delivering the best value to your business.

You can also keep up to date with our latest events through our calendar, and look out for updates on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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