
Magazine SAP INFO discontinued and replaced by SAP SPECTRUM

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As you might already know, the printed customer magazine SAP INFO has been discontinued and will be now delivered via e-mail as an e-magazine (PDF file). The first edition of this new magazine, called SAP SPECTRUM, was just launched.

While we try to make sure that all subscribers of the print magazine do also receive the new magazine, this is not always possible since we don't have everybody's e-mail address. We hope for your assistance in reaching all SAP customer and your User Group members by asking you to distribute this registration link to your membership.

In order to promote SAP SPECTRUM, we suggest to include a banner on your User Group's website or to add the above-mentioned link to your newsletters. Please let us know as we can provide you with banners to your specifications.

If you like to subscribe to SAP SPECTRUM, please click here or if you like to promote it in your newsletter or need a banner on your website, please contact either Christoph Zeidler or Petra Zimmermann. < Back to all news

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