
Making sense of IoT in a SAP world

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IoT offers a huge range of benefits, improving insights by offering an unprecedented amount of data, increasing the value you can leverage from your SAP solutions and promoting greater innovation, agility and standardisation for SAP users. However, with so much information being gathered, users need assistance to cut through the noise, working with SAP to find the best way to draw useful insights from these new data sources.

As such, we have put together our very first IoT Symposium, aiming to explore how SAP users can navigate these challenges and benefit from IoT technology. Firstly, SAP’s Global Innovation Evangelist Timo Elliot will explain how IoT data can be leveraged via SAP to automate and optimise business processes across all departments, from finance to sales. Next up, SAP Global ERP Cloud COO Brenton O’Callaghan will run through the business case for the S/4 HANA ERP Cloud, explaining the key benefits for your organisation, including data standardisation and increased agility.

After Bluefin demonstrates an example of the “perfect” IoT use case, there will be nine breakout sessions on everything from managing IoT security to integrating SAP solutions such as SAP Predictive Analytics from speakers at SAP, customers including Northern Gas Networks and SAP consulting firms Grey Monarch and Westernacher & Partner Consulting. With such a wide range of topics, everyone – regardless of your place in the business – can walk away with some useful advice.

The event will take place at the Aviva Stadium in Dublin, Ireland on Thursday the 21st of June from 9:30am – 6pm, where a tour of the grounds will be carried out at the end of the day. You can sign up here and bring up to three employees at no extra cost so you don’t miss any of our breakout streams.

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