
Social media groups every Business One user should know about

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We like to look at social media in a different way. Consider for a moment that you don't have the time to attend any training events. Or you can't justify travelling to hear your favourite Business One author speak.

In years gone by, this would have meant you would have missed out. You can't ask questions. You can't challenge what is being said, and you can't contribute to the discussion. Social media means that this isn't the case. Consider the advantage you would have if you look at social media as a tool to;

  • Speak to industry leaders who, without social, you wouldn't have had access to.
  • Ask a question/put a problem you're facing to hundreds of your peers from all over the world.

Sometimes, it can be hard to find solutions to problems on your own. Even if you work as part of a team, having the ability to get hundreds of opinions and ideas can be invaluable. That is thereal opportunity social media represents. Thousands of engaged, industry professionals to call upon, support and talk with.

When it comes to social media groups, there are three clear choices. Which platforms you choose to take part on is up to your own personal preference. We'll cover a few pages/groups/profiles from the three industry leaders below.

We'd recommend that you try a mix of the platforms to see which on you like best. It might not be LinkedIn or Twitter! Facebook pages

Don't overlook Facebook as a place to do business. Facebook pages and groups are becoming more and more active online communities. It should not be set aside as 'something not for work'.

LinkedIn groups

These groups are very business focussed. They tend to be very niche and be set up to discuss a specific topic. There are a lot of LinkedIn groups that are less active, but there are some gems out there.

Twitter Profiles

Twitter can be a great source of help as well as keeping up to date with developments in the Business One community.

  • @SAPBusinessOne - the official SAP Business One profile
  • @asugONEsource - the Business One page of the American User Group
  • @sbofans - SAP Business One Fans page - A fan page dedicated to SAP Business One
  • @4most_erp_group - Another independent SAP Business One fan group
  • @SAPUserGroup - we couldn't not mention our own Twitter profile!

Hints for finding good social media groups

  • Be careful of commercial pages - some pages may run by companies such as recruitment agencies. While these in most cases are fine and great communities, there are some out there who aim to build up lists of candidates.
  • Closed groups tend to be more engaged - these are groups where you need to request to join. Especially prominent on Facebook, these groups tend to be more active.

This is likely because 'what is said in the group, stays in the group'.

  • Look for niche - Groups that are too general may seem good on the face of it. What these groups can lead to is a scenario where it's hard to see the wood for the trees.
  • Limit your groups! - your not looking for a firehose of information. You're looking for a group where you can take some real value. Be conscious about setting yourself up to be bombarded with information!
  • Take part - We're sure you heard as a child how bad being 'all take and no give' is. The same is true in social media groups. You don't want to be the person who's always asking, but never helping out. If you see a question and you know the answer, make sure you chip in!

Key takeaways

If you take anything from this article, go and join two or three of the groups we've identified in this article. Take part for a week or so, we're sure you'll see the value of being part of an active community!

Wrapping up

If you would like the opportunity to meet people like Carl Lewis and Zal Parchem, make sure you grab a ticket for our FREE Business One conference! You can find the details and secure tickets here.

We're not associated with any of the Business One accounts, profiles and groups mentioned here. If you would like discuss having your profile listed, please get in touch.

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