
SUGEN position statement on recent SAP Enterprise Support Announcements

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SUGEN Enterprise Support Position Statement

Based on the recent events in Germany and Austria where SAP is providing customers with the option -- by mutual agreement --, to extend their existing maintenance contracts into 2009 for standard maintenance versus moving to Enterprise Support, SUGEN, on behalf of its Global User Group Network will take on working with SAP to expand this offer globally.

SUGEN will use its current Enterprise Support task force already working with SAP on the value of Enterprise Support as the focal point. A key concern of the User community that initiated this task force was that ES might be oversized for many customers and having the option might be the best solution. It is understood that there is significant difference between what SAP offers as Standard Support versus Enterprise Support and the team will continue its work to outline the value of those differences.

It is SUGENs intent that this Task Force along with SAP will be the focal point to look at the current offering and options, develop a clear communication plan to address the confusion in the market place and to continue the work of identifying the KPIs and value of the expanded Enterprise Support.

Mike Stoko SUGEN Chairman
Matthias Herzog SUGEN Vice-Chair
Per Hogberg SUGEN Vice-Chair

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