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Norwegian retailer Orkla goes live with GDPR solution, Data Redact

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Adhering to the GDPR is complex, and organisations in the UK and Europe are working on the processes that need to change to comply with the regulation. EPI-USE Labs has developed the GDPR Compliance Suite to address Articles 15 and 17 of the GDPR. At the UKISUG Connect in 2017, Paul Hammersley presented the Data Disclose and Data Redact solutions to a packed audience in the GRC stream.

It is interesting that the solution has also resonated with companies in the Nordics region. The original article can be found here:

It was recently announced that EPI-USE Labs completed the product implementation of Data Redact for Orkla. At Orkla, Data Redact is used to redact resigned employees' data in accordance with Orkla's data retention policies.

In 2018, EPI-USE Labs was awarded the IT INNOVATION PRICE - Best-of-2018 award for their GDPR Suite.

Apart from using Data Redact, Orkla is also using Data Sync Manager for HCM to copy and scramble employee data from the productive system to test systems. By scrambling the data, the requirements of the GDPR are complied with, so that non-productive systems do not contain data that can identify individuals – minimising the risk of data breaches in non-production environments.

Data Redact and Data Sync Manager are certified by SAP.

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EPI-USE Labs Ltd

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