
Are you keeping User Experience in mind with SAP?

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The User Experience (UX) for SAP applications has changed dramatically over the last few years and this will likely continue with the emergence of technologies such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA), chatbots, conversational UIs and augmented realty.However, delivering the experience users demand remains a challenge for many organisations, and it’s often difficult to know where to begin.

In order to help users along the road to better UX, we hosted another successful User Experience Workshop at SAP Clockhouse Place earlier this month to educate users at all levels on how they can optimise User Experience. 24 member organisations attended the event and encouragingly three-quarters of attendees were newcomers.

The two-day event saw leading experts from SAP – including SAP Product Managers Andreas Hirche and Oliver Graeff, as well as Senior UX Design Specialist Johanna Wittig – present on the company’s current UX strategy. They outlined the tools and services users need to build a modern UX for SAP systems, giving presentations and running hands on exercises designed by SAP experts. Technical users had the chance to build Fiori applications, while designers had a UX challenge to solve and worked on understanding UX problems, storyboarding and UI prototyping.

The event was a resounding success, with some great feedback from attendees – commenting that they felt it was good value for money and offered “a good mix of hands-on development and theory”, offering “access to SAP experts who really know the products well”. Most attendees agreed they received worthwhile tips that can be put to use in their organisation.

For those who missed our February UX workshop or returning delegates looking to brush up their knowledge, we’ll be hosting another UX event in May – you can reserve your place here.

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