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EWM Insights

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Why was EWM developed?

EWM was initially developed as a result of a requirement from two automotive customers. They were looking for a next generation warehouse solution for spare parts planning, distribution and shipping. They had very short order cycles driving their business, they needed the capability to be able to receive an order late afternoon, fulfil that order and have it delivered to the customer by the next morning.

Product life cycle is key to these companies as spare parts for new car models will not be needed as often as spare parts for older models, so warehouse planning is integral for a successful operation and EWM could support this process.

How did EWM move on from these companies?

The initial automotive customers were key to develop the product and we took their feedback to adapt and modify the solution. When we felt that it was ready to launch on the market, the first customers to adopt EWM were manufacturers of consumer products and retail warehousing companies.

What is the difference between WM and EWM?

WM was more of an appendix to IM, but EWM has been developed as a true logistics solution. WM is a great option for monitoring stock, but EWM goes well beyond that and manages how stock is moved through the supply chain. Serial number management is also a key aspect within EWM for some customers, to enable clear identification of critical components.

The introduction of automated processes has rapidly increased since the launch of WM, so it was also very important to be able to integrate these into EWM. All warehouses now have some level of automation, and this will only increase, which is why we developed a specific automation layer into EWM.

How important is that integration with new technology?

The way we can integrate new technology is something we are very proud of, as we don’t just want to integrate, we want to enhance the benefits of that technology. We really see EWM as a platform for new technology and customers can realise the benefits of technology such as RFID, automated picking and AGVs through integration with EWM.

Can EWM cater for changes or additions in technology?

That was crucial for us, businesses are always changing; changing to introduce new technology, and changing to become more sustainable, if their business solutions cannot adapt to their needs, they have an issue. In EWM, we have developed a flexible solution that grows and changes with your business. Companies are increasingly adopting innovations within technologies such as blockchain, IoT and AI and EWM offers the capability to integrate all of this to bring agility into the whole supply chain.

Aside from the operational benefits, how can EWM help the wider business?

There are some companies that just couldn’t support their business growth without EWM. For companies that had limited visibility of their stock volume and movements, EWM is providing them with real business insights that can enable them to grow. EWM is so integral to some businesses, that they have said they could continue to operate with EWM alone if their main ERP system was shut down.

Are you considering SAP EWM?

Get in contact with our team to see how this leading WMS solution could help your business.

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