
Working from home…the UKISUG way!

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The User Group team are just coming to the end of our first week of working from home, but for some of our members, WFH has been the way of life for almost a month! We all have varied opinions on the remote working aspect, and one thing we are sure of is it is going to take a lot of getting used to!

We have rallied together and come up with our top tips on how we work best from home…

Working near a window helps me. I like being able to see the outside world!’ - Ellie, Support Coordinator

‘Try to keep a good posture… I’m finding this hard, but I know it’s beneficial!’ - Gemma, Accounts

Regular breaks – even if it’s just walking around the house or garden and ensure you’re drinking plenty of water’ - Amy, Operations

‘I have been breaking my day up by going for a walk on a lunchtime. It is refreshing and good to move away from the desk for a while!’ - Beth, Marketing

‘Optimise your workspace and a bit of background music to make sure you’re not working in total silence’ - Jakob, Affiliate Engagement

'A couple of espressos a day help me...but that was the same before lockdown!' - Matt, Head of Business Development

Get up and ready on a morning as if you’re going into the office, so you can get in the right frame of mind to work’ - Sarah, Member Services

‘Stick to your usual working time where you can to keep a routine, and use video calls so you can interact remotely’ - Kirsten, Events Manager

'Don't follow the news and discussion programmes too closely, it can be easy to become overwhelmed with differing opinions and a lot of the time that's all they are...opinions!' - Helen, General Manager

Got some of your own tips? Share them with us and we will share them with the rest of our SAP user community!

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