
SAP Expands Maintenance and Support Portfolio Offering Choice Predictable Pricing and Best Value to All Customers Globally

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Today SAP has released its latest update on a new, comprehensive tiered support model that is being offered to customers worldwide. This support offering includes SAP Enterprise Support services and an SAP Standard Support option and will enable all customers to choose the option that best meets their requirements. The press release is available at


UK & Ireland User Group Response To Release.

The SAP UK & Ireland User Group welcome this news from SAP and are delighted that it is offering greater choice to its customers and our members. This move shows that SAP is listening to user groups and therefore its customers, taking on board our feedback and making changes to meet the needs of all SAP users. Back in 2008 we highlighted that the new enterprise support offering could potentially offer a lot of value and that it contained much more than standard support. However, we also noted that many of our members where not happy moving to the more expensive and feature rich enterprise support offering. As a user group, and as part of SUGEN, weve been in dialogue with SAP about offering more choice in relation to support and demonstrating the increased value that enterprise support offers.

As a result of this dialogue last year SAP and SUGEN jointly announced a benchmarking programme to measure the value of enterprise support. This work will continue. The announcement today from SAP builds on this and demonstrates that it is sticking to its promise of listening to its customers more. We asked for choice between standard support and enterprise support and today SAP has given us just that.

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