
Building a Relationship of Trust with SAP

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I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and well.

During our UKISUG Connect Annual Conference at the end of 2019, which seems a lifetime ago now (back in the halcyon days when we could come together in large groups to learn, network and collaborate), Paul Cooper, UKISUG Chairman, revealed results of our Annual Member Survey.

Part of Paul’s keynote highlighted that only 8% of our members, SAP customers, considered SAP as a trusted advisor. To address this, a strategic initiative was created between UKISUG and SAP to look at how we can build a relationship based on trust between you, the customer, and SAP.

We ran two workshops involving direct customers and SAP personnel, who represented different lines of business, to investigate the elements that build, and break, trust, discussing areas of concern on both the SAP and customer sides of the relationship.

This document provides a detailed summary of the workshop outcomes and discussion points.

Further workshops between SAP and UKISUG, online this time due to the restrictions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, focused on all the ideas generated, to identify the main challenges in building a trusting relationship between SAP and its customers.

This document focuses on the ideas of how a customer can improve its relationship with SAP by making changes in the way you work with SAP.

The same analysis was done on the ideas focusing on how SAP can improve its relationships with customers. In carrying out this work, we discovered a recently launched tool from SAP (& finalist in the Hasso Plattner Founders Awards 2019), “SAP For Me”, could solve a number of challenges and help in others. This document highlights the ideas from both the SAP and customer side, which “SAP for Me” can either solve (in green text) or help in some way (amber).

Our joint initiative is ongoing and both SAP UKI and your UKISUG are committed to helping improve and build trust in your relationship with SAP.

Stay safe, stay well and keep washing your hands!


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