
SUGTalks Season 2 is live

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If you’re already subscribed to our SUGTalks podcast, you’ll have seen we recently launched our second season. With that in mind, we wanted to give you an overview of what to expect.

Live so far

In the first episode of season 2, we take a closer look at the recent evolution of SAP’s product suite and how users see it all fit together. Richard Symes, Head of ERP at British Council and UKISUG Supply Chain Management SIG Chair, and Rachel Morris, IT Business Partner at Boeing, join Craig Dale for what is a fascinating discussion.

In episode two, we host our second ‘meet the UKISUG board’ podcast. This time, Fiona Warburg, Brian Froom and Tim Guest join Craig to discuss the value of engagement in the community, the importance of making connections and what it takes to influence SAP.

Episode three sees us focus on the importance of data. Nick Parkin – Director/Founder of Proceed Group, Chief Data Officer at SAP, Tina Rosario – UKISUG Document & Data Management SIG Chairand Mark Belmore – Material Planning Manager Aventra at Bombardier join Craig. The guests offer insights on how ownership and empowerment can make all the difference to simplifying data migrations, and tip for reducing SAP total cost of ownership.

Coming soon!

Over the next four weeks, we’re continuing to tackle some really important issues on the podcast, from mental health through to how we engage and influence SAP.

How we influence SAP is the focus of episode four, where we talk more about user groups’ collective power to influence SAP, as well as the benefits being part of UKISUG brings our members. In addition, we look at our Special Interest Groups, and how they can help drive positive change in SAP’s software for specific industries and users.

Mental health continues to be a big focus, and in episodes five and six we shed light on the three Ms of positivity: Mental Health, mindfulness & motivation. Simon Nicholls, Founder and Wellbeing Director of Thrive joins us alongside Sophie Bennett – Motivational Speaker, Matt Champion – Search Inside Yourself Teacher and Mindfulness Ambassador, SAP Global Mindfulness Practice to discuss mental wellbeing and the strategies we can all use to deal with pressure and reduce the impact of stress.

In our final episode of the season, we cover the subject of third-party maintenance with Jon Gill, Director, MGTM UK&I at SAP. With some organisations seemingly doing well out of third-party maintenance, it would seem it has its place in the market – but what is that place and when should you avoid it? We cover everything from the risks to value propositions to the potential impact on your organisation.

Don’t forget to subscribe

There’s a great month ahead on the podcast. If you’ve already subscribed and are enjoying our latest season, thank you for joining us! If not, what are you waiting for? Sign up via your favourite podcast service by using any of the links below:

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