
Climate 2021

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Creating a more sustainable future

Sustainability and the circular economy are key to tackling climate change and something that businesses are focussing on more and more. This is also being driven by employees, as shown by a study of UK office workers which found that 83% of workers reported their workplaces were not doing enough to address climate change. These issues are often seen as a focus for the manufacturing and transport industries, but the fact is that everyone can play their part to tackle this problem on a global scale.

Research from SAP has shown UK organisations are “overwhelmingly motivated” to take environmental action, but face deep organisational accountability, as well as KPI selection and tracking issues. The survey also found more than a third of UK leaders (35%) struggle to align their eco-commitments with their overall business strategy, while the same number (35%) are uncertain on how to effectively embed sustainability into business processes and its tracking into IT systems.

Climate 2021 Expansion

Last year, SAP reinforced its commitment to climate change by introducing the Climate 21 program, which set out to champion more sustainable practices for organisations using SAP products.

This summer, SAP announced the expansion of the Climate 21 program, with the aim of giving organisations more options to manage their environmental footprint. The products announced are set to launch later this year and comprised of three elements

The first is the ‘Product Footprint Management System’, which will help organisations better understand their carbon impact. In the future, this is set to be expanded to include water consumption, energy and land usage as well. In addition, a ‘Sustainability Control Tower’ will provide a business performance management view of sustainability initiatives. Finally, the ‘Responsible Design and Production Software’ will help organisations meet environmental sustainability regulations.

Thinking about the future

At the UKISUG, we strongly believe that everyone should play their role when it comes to reducing our impact on the environment. Small steps today can make a big difference in the future. We will continue to champion environmental and sustainability initiatives, so be sure to share your experiences with us.

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